CTICH visits Wageningen University: development of casing material alternatives

In November 2021, Margarita Pérez (BIOSCHAMP Coordinator) and Jaime Carrasco (Innovation Manager) from ASOCHAMP-CTICH (Spain), visited Wageningen University & Research to carry out the first monitoring visit to the activities developed in WP1: development of alternatives to peat-based casing material. This Work Package involves the evaluation of alternative casing materials to the peat-based casing, involving laboratory assays and small-scale trials. Within the project, the group of Prof. Jan van der Wolf is carrying out this job.

On the 9th of November, from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm the coordinators visited the facilities hosted by Prof. Jan van der Wolf and Odette Mendes (Researcher at the Biointeractions and Plant Health Department). In addition, Pietro Goglio (Senior Researcher in LCA) and Elsje Osterkamp, both involved in the Work Package 6 (LCA and S-LCA), joined the crew from the economic area of Wageningen University.

Crop trials for pathogenicity

The first stop of the visit was Unifarm where the group of Prof. Jan van der Wolf were carrying out a crop trial evaluating the pathogenicity of different artificially inoculated diseases.

Tracking selected microbiota in the casing material

Further on, the visitors had the opportunity to visit the facilities where the Wageningen team are developing the tools for tracking the selected microbiota in the casing material.

Supply of fibres by Newfoss

In the afternoon the visitors moved to the facilities of Newfoss located in Uden. Pietro, Margarita and Jaime visited the factory where Newfoss produces the fibres needed for the different trials conducted both by Wageningen University & Research and INAGRO in WP1. The team discussed the technological approach, and the process to transform grass material into the final fibre material for the BIOSCHAMP downstream processes

The facilities of KBVB in Grubbenvorst

On the 10th of November, Jaime and Marga together with Pietro, visited the facilities of Kekkila BVB in Grubbenvorst: a high-quality provider of casing blends for the mushroom industry. CTICH visited the patio where the raw materials are stored, the indoors facilities to prepare blends of ready to use commercial casing and the laboratory for the physical-chemical and mechanical characterization of the materials produced.

We are glad for the warm welcome received from our colleagues in The Netherlands. We had the opportunity to discuss face to face for the first time since the beginning of the BIOSCHAMP project. Hopefully, we will have further opportunities to visit the rest of the partners working in BIOSCHAMP in the near future.

Jaime Carrasco, Innovation manager at BIOSCHAMP

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Marga Pérez: direccion@ctich.com
Jaime Carrasco: j.carrasco@ctich.com

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101000651.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101000651.

Contact points

Marga Pérez: direccion@ctich.com
Jaime Carrasco: j.carrasco@ctich.com