INAGRO Shows its Work in BIOSCHAMP Project

To confirm earlier BIOSCHAMP results of small-scale trials in WP1 and WP2, semi-commercial trials were conducted in WP3 by Inagro (BELGIUM). In these experiments two alternative casing soils were tested in which at least 50% of peat was replaced (Alternative A / containing moss from Kekkila-BVB and Alternative B / containing grass from NewFoss). Due to the current IP rights no further details on these alternatives can be given.

Because two different mushroom cultivation systems are applied in Europe, each trial was performed in duplo, both at Inagro and at CTICH. In the northern part of Europe, bulk phase III compost is centrally prepared at the composting facilities and when fully grown, filled at the mushroom farms (approach followed by INAGRO). While in the southern part, cultivation is based on centralised bulk composting phase I and phase II. Growing rooms are filled with phase II compost and spawned (approach followed by CTICH).

Preparation and mixing of the casing soils at the Inagro mushroom infrastructure.


In this WP3 Inagro completed several semi-commercial trials. The mushroom team monitored closely several parameters and collected encouraging results on yield and agronomic behaviour. The yield of the tested alternative casing soils was comparable to the 100% peat reference traditionally used in mushroom cultivation. Furthermore, close monitoring of cultivation techniques revealed that corresponding crop management was similar, facilitating the subsequent implementation of the alternative casing materials.

Currently, both alternatives are taken to the next phase to continue screening their potential as low-peat casing material for button mushroom cultivation. Professional growers located in the Netherlands, Spain, Poland and Serbia are testing the material in commercial-scale validation trials and are collecting crucial information.

Visual impression of trial setup in controlled-climate growing room at Inagro research infrastructure.

About Inagro

Inagro is the knowledge partner of agricultural and horticultural businesses in the areas of innovation and sustainability. They are an external spin-off agency of the province of West Flanders. Inagro has about 50 year of expertise in mushroom research and development and houses a state-of-the-art research mushroom infrastructure. The mushroom team provides also advisory and training services to growers and other stakeholders in the sector. In total more than 75% of the Belgian growers are member of their advisory service. Inagro is also member of the GEPC, the European Mushroom Growers' Group.

Click here if you would like to know more about Inagro.

Within the BIOSCHAMP project, Inagro (BELGIUM), is a research partner and leader of the WP3, in charge of designing the BIOSCHAMP casing solution. They were also closely involved in WP1, WP2 and WP4.

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