Sustainability In The Mushroom Industry With Eurochamp

The mushroom industry in the European Union is taking significant steps towards sustainability. For example, some farms are using renewable energy sources, circular economy practices, and eco-friendly packaging materials to make the most of their efforts in a sustainable way. These efforts are crucial in promoting a healthier planet and food system.

BIOSCHAMP supports a sustainable mushroom industry with the development of low peat alternative casing materials, contributing to a reduced use of pesticides.

Eurochamp's commitment to sustainability

Economical and environmental sustainability in the mushroom industry is a key priority for the sector: mushroom cultivation must be profitable and sustainable in the long term.

In the near future, however, chemical pesticides will no longer be available for various reasons (reduced effectiveness, discontinued production, export requirements). Finding new alternatives to these tools is a priority for the mushroom farmer. Not only because it has a direct impact on their yields and production costs, but also to ensure a profitable minimum production.

This next generation of pest control tools will also be safer for the end consumer because there are no pesticides. They are also more respectful of the environment.

For all these reasons, Eurochamp is strongly committed to the Bioschamp project.

About Eurochamp

Eurochamp is one of the most important European mushroom processing companies. It was created by the merger of the Unichamp (Ausejo) and Champiunión (Autol) cooperatives, both founded in La Rioja (Spain) in 1974. It currently has 140 producer members from La Rioja, Navarre, Aragon and Cuenca.

Eurochamp brings together most of the mushroom sector in La Rioja, with a share of 80% of the total Spanish production of canned mushrooms and 25% of the most common varieties of cultivated mushrooms. In Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), the Coicham-Eurochamp partners are the main producers of mushrooms for the processing industry.

Eurochamp controls all the production processes that make it possible to produce canned mushrooms: compost, cultivation, production and marketing. This is the only way to guarantee the livelihood of the 1,000 families that depend on the cooperative.

Eurochamp is one of the main sources of employment and wealth in the rural areas of La Rioja. Its activities bring economic development and long-term sustainability to the populations of the regions in which it operates.

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